Det sunnere valget: Damping

Langt de fleste undersøgelser lavet om nikotin er baseret på brugen af cigaretter eller som et rent stof, det er grunden til alle undersøgelser siger at man ikke skal tage det, fordi den eneste måde at få det i en ordentlig koncentration er ved at tage det igennem cigaretter, da de lavede undersøgelsen.
Fra James Mikkelsen i Danmark har vi fått denne leseprøven.
Han er aktiv i E-Cigaret Danmark og i We Vape We Vote DK
At dampe er en af de reneste måder at få en ordentlig koncentration og en af de bedste måder at få det direkte ind i kroppen, med færrest bivirkninger, hvor nikotintyggegummi smager forfærdeligt og ødelægger dit tandkød, plastre er klistret og giver kvalme og svimmelhed, samt at disse metoder ikke bliver absorberet i kroppen ordentligt.
Nikotin i sin rene form har en del fordele og er både godt for voksne, såsom unge og kan hjælpe dem i skolen, hvor der er meget stress og du skal koncentrere dig, så længe det ikke er taget i en form som er afhængighedsskabende, såsom cigaretter, nikotin tyggegummi, snus, nikotin salt/engangs damp systemer «Juul, mm.» mm.
E-cigaretter der indeholder ren nikotin, er videnskabeligt bevist ikke at være afhængighedsskabende, dog vanedannende af samme årsag som Fischer spændes og andre stimulerende bevægelses redskaber såsom at klikke en kuglepen.



Nicotine promotes wakefulness, alertness, motivation, and creativity. Further, nicotine has proven beneficial in several health conditions including dementia, depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease thus bringing this drug under the scope of large-scale research.
The following are some of the potential benefits of this nootropic drug and its associated effect on health:
  • Helps prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s – Clinical research on animal models suggests that nicotine protects against neuronal degeneration, improves motor abilities, and aids cognitive performance, thus cutting down the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Another study suggests that nicotine intake in Parkinson’s patients’ enhanced their processing speed of complex tasks.
  • Promotes wakefulness – Nicotine enhances the brain’s electrical activity and induces a state of alpha brainwave activity, which enhances attention, alertness, and creativity. The drug also enhances areas of the brain related to arousal, visual attention, and motor activation. Nicotine acts on the brain’s thalamus, parietal cortex, occipital cortex, and caudate.
  • Boosts memory – Nicotine acts on the brain’s visual attention and attention processing regions thus boosting memory and cognitive performance.
  • Reduces ADHD symptoms – In ADHD patient’s, nicotine is known to reduce the severity of the symptoms. The drug increases attention, vigor, accuracy, and reaction time in nonsmoking patients. For ADHD patients who are quitting tobacco and experiencing withdrawal symptoms, nicotine can help relieve minor feelings of nervousness.
  • Functions as a neuroprotective – Nicotine functions as neuroprotective by stimulating the nicotinic cholinergic receptors in the brain, blocking estrogen, and reducing inflammation.
The benefits of nicotine to help with weight loss
  • Promotes weight loss – Clinical trials on animals observed that nicotine has the ability to suppress appetite and prevent weight gain. Nicotine can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels.
  • Supports a healthy gut – Studies show that nicotine patches improve ulcerative colitis by decreasing inflammation in the lining of the gut. It also provided relief from inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Repairs tissue – Nicotine stimulates the body in a way that increases the growth of blood vessel capillaries and tissues, repairing damage and accelerating healing. Nicotine applied topically in low concentrations in the form of a nicotine patch appears to support rapid wound healing.
These benefits of nicotine are observed only when the drug is taken alone. Smoking should in no way be seen as a means to access these benefits of nicotine as it has major damaging effects on health. In that form, it can cause more harm than good.




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